Kazhuvethi Moorkkan is a political action drama film written and directed by Sy Gowthama Raj. The film is produced by S Ambeth Kumar under Olympia Movies.

The film begins in an intense manner with some horrific it so happened illustrations and mentions. So yet again we have one more film that talks about caste and casteist society while being no way subtle as some other film makers in its commentary. It interjects politics into the subject and thereby there is a lot going on in its narrative that keeps the audience interested.

But despite a lot of promise and preaching the film is a big letdown in screenplay that goes overboard bordering melodrama and lectures. The film happily borrows from many other films before handsomely and there are moments in the film that lags and at times contradicting and yet there are a few areas where the writing does impress.

Arulnithi is decent. Dushara Vijayan is good. Sonthosh Prathapan and Munishkanth are neat.

Sridhar’s cinematography is OK. D. Imam’s background score is more like that of a family sob serial. Nagooran’s editing is inconsistent and ineffective. Dialogues are good and direction works.

Kazhuvethi Moorkkan is an OK watch.

Kazhuvethi Moorkkan – KAZHAVU !!


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