Veeran is a 2023 superhero film written and directed by ARK Saravan of Maragadha Naanayam fame and produced by Sathya Jyothi Films.
Veeran is fun to begin with and if only the writer director had stayed to this track it would have been far more enjoyable than the mess it gets entangled itself into. There is a lot that it borrows from Minnal Murali the Malayalam film that created quite a buzz. What works for the film is the attempt to draw the difference between faith and myth, but they don’t quite make an impact and the parallels drawn don’t quite impress. There is an interesting comedy track that doesn’t not get the footage it deserves and instead we have a ridiculous duo comedy track that is annoying. The science behind the story and the climax is a dud.
Aadhi is OK. Kaali Venkat, Munishkanth try their best. Vinay Rai gets less screen space.
Deepak D Menon’s cinematography is standard. BG by Aadhi is OK and the songs are average. Dialogues are decent and editing could have been sharper. Direction is neat.
VEERAN tries its best to impress but falls short !!