MAZHAI PIDAKKADHA MANIDHAN is action drama film written and directed by Vijay Milton. The film is produced by Kamal Bohra, D. Lalithaa, B. Pradeep, and Pankaj Bohra under the banner Infiniti Film Ventures.
With a 10 minutes introduction to the background being told at the beginning, It felt like the interval card would soon arrive. But then the introduction made no sense as the movie takes off at a totally different place and annoyingly under very ordinary “masala” circumstances. The only new ingredient was the beagle. Most of the film revolves around this puppy as the screenplay keeps revolving around the usual commercial masala. The second half has a bit of romance and then ends up in some specious preaching that feels so silly. The story lacks depth and the screenplay is a drag.
Vijay Anthony looks bland. Megha Akash fits the bill. Dhananjay hero from the Kannada cinema plays the villain and is decent though there is nothing much in it for him. Pruthvi Ambaar is good.
Vijay Milton’s cinematography is fine. Music by Achu Rajamani, Vijay Antony is operative. Dialogues are average. Editing is shallow and direction is standard.
MAZHAI PIDAKKADHA MANIDHAN is a dull and drab affair !!