KUIKO is a drama film that is written and directed by Arul Chezian T. Arun Chezian is the one who worked in Andavan Kattalai which received critical acclaim.
The film starts off lazily trying to establish the characters and in the process offers a ready shufti of what is in store. The first half is spent in this tribulation and it still doesn’t establish what the feint is. Though there are a few sub plots that had probabilities but then they are let go. The writer prefers to keep it simple and too linear for comfort, it is in the second half you realize there is nothing beyond the normal that this film wants to offer. There is a running social commentary on various aspects that does bring out a few laughs and murmurs. At some places like usual it feels forced. The freezer box was an appealing concept but then it gets disbanded. The writing could have been much better and it does feel lazy at times not trying to force things but stay put in its own snug settee.
Vidharth does a good job. Yogi Babu is his usual self. The rest are OK. Vinodhini as usual is spirited.
Cinematography is OK. Music by Anthony Dasan is average. Editing is functional. Dialogues are neat and direction works.
KUIKO kind of feels a letdown despite good potential!!