KADUVETTI is a social action drama that is written and directed by Solai Arumugam. he feature film is produced by D.Subash Chandra bose, C.Paramasivam, N.Mahendran and Solai Arumugam. The film is supposedly based on the late powerful politician of a political party in Tamilnadu.
The film makes no bones about what it is proposed to achieve. The idea has been to convey the other side of the story when there are a lot of stories that showcase a particular side to the ongoing. So there is clearly a bias and that is loud and on your face. There are no camouflages and for the ones who do understand caste politics of the state will see it as clear as the summer sky, the issues and the characters that are part of the issue. The film sticks to just the inter caste romance and the focus is just kept to that, though it dose serve different variants to it with a lot of reasoning. Despite the contrived partiality credit is due when the film doesn’t get to the point of being overtly cringe. Towards the climax the film gets its narrative right while the climax races to being typical cliché. The hero worship of the main character is an anomaly, but can please a large section of the audience.
RK Suresh is comfortable in this hyped up role. Sangeerthana Vipin does a very good job. The rest all do their job as expected.
Music by Sadiq is good. Pugazenthi’s cinematography is OK. Dialogues are fine, while the editor could have worked harder. Direction is decent.
KADUVETTY will please the ones who know what to expect !!
B.U. Shreesha