J. BABY is a family drama movie written and directed by Suresh Mari. The movie is been produced by Pa Ranjith, Abhayanand Singh, Piiyush Singh, Saurash Gupta, and Aditi Anand. The movie is inspired and adapted from a real life incident that took place a decade back in Chennai.

The film makes an interesting beginning and doesn’t waste much time as it effortlessly weaves innumerable characters into the screenplay without much confusion. That in itself is a credible achievement as the story takes us on a journey in search of a mother. The problem with the film begins with the dynamics between the two brothers. The fracas beyond a point feels pointless and made up as the main objective behind the travel of them gets sidelined. Thankfully the messages are not preachy and they are subtly told. But, there are a quite a few unconvincing threads that are unsettling. A particular episode involved in Kolkatta with the police and the crane was outrageous.

Urvashi as usual scores. Dinesh does a neat job. Maran does well as expected and the rest are good too.

Jayanth’s cinematography is effective. Tony Britto’s background score is good, while the songs are just about OK. Dialogues are neat. Editing is OK and direction is decent.

J BABY is a passable flick !!



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