BOAT is a period drama that is written and directed by Chimbu Deven. he film is produced by Prabha Premkumar, Kalaivani C under the banner Chimbudeven Entertainment, Maali and Maanvi Movie Makers. Chimbu Deven has acknowledged the story being inspired by Hemmingway’s The old man and the Sea and another film as well.

Set in the year 1943 against the backdrop of WW 2 coinciding with the Indian freedom movement, BOAT has a very interesting premise. Where the story fails is in the assembling an exciting set of characters onboard in the boat. Instead we have the same rabid commentary that we listen to in all films as the characters feel like cartoons from a skit. The satire that is supposed to be the novelty in the film falls flat due to a pathetic narrative without sense of political history of those times. Yet again we see the same flogging of a particular community with a specific agenda of a sect and its ideology espoused. The action towards the end doesn’t feel convincing.

Yogi Babu is his usual self. But with characters that are farce the actors in MS Bhaskar, Chinni Jayanth and the rest do not make any impression.

Madhesh Manickam’s cinematography is neat. Ghibran’s background score is effective. Dialogues are OK and direction is indifferent.

BOAT is uninspiring !!


B.U. Shreesha

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