AMIGO GARAGE is a gangster drama that is written and directed by Prasanth Nagarajan and produced by Hosur Murali Srinivasan.
The problem with AG is that it takes a long time in the film to realise that it could actually have been a good film. Perhaps as a script the film was as good as it was meant to be. Unfortunately it is in execution that the film falters despite having a run time of less than two hours. The film feels unduly long due to its unwanted sequences that prove to be very flaky and the songs that are a big bore considering the situation at hand. Also the transformation of the main lead isn’t clearly defined and the same goes with the other important character in the film. The idea of the film is good but the screenplay and the narrative leaves a lot to be desired. The message though told, might not create an impression in the minds of the young.
Master Mahendran is a decent actor but there are times where his forced acting is a downer. Athira Raj is OK. GM Sundar has an important role to play and does well. The rest are there and manage to walk through.
VijayKumar Solaimuthu’s cinematography is average. Music by Balamurali is over the top at times. Ruben’s editing could have been more effective. Dialogues are neat while direction just about passes muster.
AMIGO GARAGE works as an idea not as a film !!
B. U. Shreesha