The 19th edition of the Aisian Individual Squash Championship will once again be hosted by Tamil Nadu Squash Rackets Association under the auspices of the Squash Racket Federation of India and the Aisian Squash Federation from April 26 to 30 2017. This is the third time Chennai is playing host to this premier Championship that brings on view the very best talent from Asia. Chennai was the venue earlier in 2002 & 2010.
Tournament Director Cyrus Poncha announced that Sponsorship Partner Mehta Jewellery will be awarding diamond Pendant for the best Indian Male player and a diamond bracelet for the best Indian female player at the Press Conference announcing the Launch of the Tournament.
The Championship this time has a title sponsor in Jio and therefore the competition will have the banner “ Jio Aisian Individual squash Championship”. Then again in a welcome departure from the routine court settings, the organisers have decided to have the matches held not only at the Indian Squash Academy courts at Nehru Park but at the Central Atrium in Express Avenue Mall. “ Taking the sport to the public” was the motto tht drove the organisers to twice have this busy and famed shopping facility as the venue in 2011 for the inaugural world Cup and in 2012 the U-21 World Cup. This in all probability will be the first time that a mall will be a venue for the Asian championship underlining the theme that WSF and ASF had long been stressing that the sport of squash can successfully be held in any ambience.
In the present context, the attractive response of the two earlier occasions has encouraged the move to showcase this major championship in this new set up with an all glass portable court in place. The Express Mall authorities too have shown a keen interest to have the competition held there in the midst of the busy shoppers. As such the plan is to utilise the ISA courts for the morning session until the quarter final onwards will be held only at the Express Mall. All arrangements have been made in this regard.
The Championship has attracted players from 12 countries. All current leading players are expected to take part with two Hong Kong players Max Lee and Annie Augetting the Pride of Place in the Men’s & Women’s categories respectively. India’s Saurav Ghosal and Joshna Chinnapa are the respective second seeds.
From India’s point of view the interests surrounds the three top professionals Saurav Ghosal, Joshna Chinnappa and Dipika Pallikal Karthik. All three have come to the semi Final. Still India’s best show in the Asian Championship has been Misha Grewl’s in 1996 in Jordan when she won a silver, finishing runner up to leong Siu Lynn of Malaysia.