The Marvels is a superhero film based on Marvel Comics featuring the characters Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to the film Captain Marvel (2019), a continuation of the television miniseries Ms. Marvel (2022), and the 33rd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Nia DaCosta, who co-wrote the screenplay with Megan McDonnell and Elissa Karasik.
After quite a few underwhelming predecessors, this Marvel does impress in parts. More so for its fun and the charm it kind of exudes at some places. They don’t work at all times but still the innocence of the characters help. What also works for the film is that, you can still not be part of the MCU and yet have fun with the film. The film is as predictable as it can get and the straight line narrative with no surprises can be weary. There is some family drama and some emotion that is short and does its job. The all women combo has its moments, despite the weak characterization of the lead characters especially when they are interrelated. The film lacks the thrill and excitement that a superhero film is usually associated with and is as casual as it can get and yet it can work for a few.
Brie Larson is effective. Teyonnah Paris is fine. Iman Vellani takes the prize. Samuel Jackson is as you would expect, while the rest of the star cast are good.
Sean Bobbit’s cinematography is decent. Music by Laura is functional. Editing is fine while dialogues are good. Direction is average.
THE MARVELS is an average fare if you can enjoy some brief moments without a wide smile.