Atti“Atti” by director Vijayabhaskar is targeted at a particular audience, the youth. The title suggests the same as well.

The plot as well as the story is plain. Though the characterization begins interestingly, as the story tries to get serious it turns out to be the routine run of the mill that has been done to death for the past 30 years.  Even the twists and surprises do not save the script. The screenplay could have been better, what we have instead are repeat scenes and locations that are eye sore. Even the comedy scenes are a real drag.

Ma Pa does a neat job and is quite convincing as the guy and his side kicks too pitch in well. The heroine is vain in her role and the others are quite OK with Ramki being patchy.

The camera work is decent, the songs damage the already slow pace and the “Gana” template of songs though script worthy, are ear sore. The dialogues are uninspiring and the direction is just about average.

“ATTI” on the whole stays true to its name. A mindless time pass if you crave for it. It babbles and babbles until you leave the theatre

ATTI –  Pure “VETTI”



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